Rosa and verdi popcorn

Rosa and verdi popcorn

Recipe by Smeg chef Elke Travers

Fresh ‘red and green’ popcorn is so quick and easy to make with an induction cooktop.  Both the salt recipes will make more than you need, but they are also delicious served with grilled meat, fish and chicken as well as vegetables and salads. 

Serves 4 as a snack

3 tablespoons olive oil

¼ cup popcorn kernels

Rosa ‘red’ salt

1/3 cup salt flakes

2 tablespoon sumac

1 teaspoon pink peppercorns

Verdi ‘green’ salt

1/3 cup salt flakes

3 sprigs rosemary, leaves removed

2 tablespoons za’atar

For the salts, combine the ingredients for each salt in a hand blender mini chopper and blend until combined.

Place olive oil and popcorn kernels in a large saucepan on induction heat number 7.  Cover and cook for four minutes, shaking the saucepan from time to time, until the corn has stopped ‘popping’.

To serve, sprinkle popcorn with flavoured salt or, for the school lunchbox, place the popcorn in a paper bag, season with salt and shake!

Recipe created with the Smeg hand blender.