Beer caramelised onion and cheese loaf

Beer caramelised onion and cheese loaf

Recipe by Smeg chef Elke Travers

This savoury loaf is sure to be dad’s favourite with a light as air crumb ribboned with enticing beer caramelised onions and cheddar with a golden crust.  When served warm, this loaf will pull apart beautifully, although it is also delicious sliced and toasted.

30g butter

1 large onion, finely sliced

375ml beer

50ml water

2 teaspoons dry yeast

1 teaspoon sugar

450g (3½ cups) bread flour

1 teaspoon

½ bunch flat-leaf parsley, roughly chopped

150g (1 cup) grated cheddar cheese

Melt butter in a medium frying pan, add onion and cook over low heat for 15 minutes until golden.  Add 1/3 cup of beer and continue to cook for 10 minutes until the beer evaporates.  Season with salt and pepper and set aside to cool.

Set combi-steam oven to prove and lightly grease a 15cm x 30cm loaf tin.

Place water, yeast and sugar in the bowl of a Smeg stand mixer with the dough hook affixed and stir to dissolve.  Add flour, salt and remaining beer and mix until combined. Continue to knead for a few minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic.  Add cooled caramelised onion, half of the grated cheese and parsley and mix for a few seconds until just combined.

Divide the dough into four, roll each into a ball and place in prepared loaf tin. Prove for 30 minutes until doubled in size.

Using your fingers, lightly press the dough and top with remaining grated cheese.  Prove for an additional 30 minutes.

Reset combi-steam oven to fan forced + steam and pre-heat to 190⁰C with 25% steam and bake loaf for 35 minutes until golden.

Serve warm.

Chef Elke’s tip: to ensure a light as air crumb, be gentle with the proved loaf, don’t ‘bang’ it on the bench as you’ll lose the rise you’ve created with proving.

Recipe created with the Smeg Classic Combi-steam Oven and Stand Mixer.